Give local residents the chance to participate in CITY CYCLING in your municipality!


Give local residents the chance to participate in CITY CYCLING in your municipality!


Register your municipality for the 21-day CITY CYCLING competition to promote cycling, help protect the climate and improve quality of life in your local area. Every kilometre counts – get involved to make a difference!

CITY CYCLING is a international campaign by Climate Alliance Services.

Register your municipality now

Three steps to a successful campaign

1. Register municipality

An authorised person needs to register the municipality for CITY CYCLING. Decide on a 21-day period during the campaign season (1 May to 30 September).
Register municipality

2. Mobilise the masses

Encourage as many local politicians and citizens as possible to get involved.

3. Use our support

Take advantage of our resources, prizes and much more to run a successful local campaign.
Our resources for you

Are you a cyclist yourself?

Are you a cyclist and want to cycle for your municipality? Find all the information you need on the website.

For cyclists

We help you run your local campaign:

Rapidly achieve success with the CITY CYCLING campaign

Rapidly achieve success with the CITY CYCLING campaign

With CITY CYCLING, your municipality can easily achieve successes, actively protect the climate and strengthen the sense of community. Many municipalities participate in the campaign every year, with great enthusiasm.

Work together to protect the climate with CITY CYCLING

Work together to protect the climate with CITY CYCLING

The CITY CYCLING campaign promotes sustainable mobility and climate protection in everyday life. Lower emissions, reduce noise and relieve the burden on public spaces – for a better quality of life for local residents and a more sustainable future for everyone.

RADar! tool

RADar! tool

Cyclists can report issues via the CITY CYCLING app. Thanks to our RADar! tool, you can use this everyday knowledge to gain better insights into the local cycling infrastructure!

More on RADar!

Frequently asked questions

To the FAQ
Which municipalities are able to participate in the CITY CYCLING campaign?
Where and how can municipalities register and what costs does registration entail?
Until when are municipalities able to register?
What are the participation requirements?
How can I check the kilometres that the cyclists in my municipality have recorded?